Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Green Fruit and Vegetable Smoothie

Whenever you see green vegetables, you know they are healthy food sources. Perhaps it's the color, or a vague memory from growing up about 'eating your greens'! This smoothie certainly is green, and it's certainly super healthy.

If you want a bit of extra liquid, and sweetness, you can always add a cup (240ml / 8floz) of coconut water. This is full of electrolytes and minerals to help restore energy. Whilst it will only add 45 calories to your total intake, remember to consider the 11g additional carbs/sugars. However, this sugar is natural fruit sugar, unlike the refined sugars added to sports/energy drinks and soda.

The recipe and nutritional information is below. But first, a few things that the nutrition info doesn't tell you about the benefits of green fruit and veg...
Kale: This superfood has been associated with fighting cancer and heart disease. It also promotes good bone and skin health.
SpinachThese leafy greens are responsible for the immune system and brain and nerve functions. They generally contain less calories and more vitamins and minerals than other vegetables so eat up!
Cucumber: These watery fruits are full of potassium, vitamin A and K. Very refreshing and hydrating!
Apple: A staple fruit in anyone's five-a-day. The B-complex vitamins are key in maintaining red blood cells and keeping the nervous system in good health.
Celery: People say you burn the calories in celery simply by eating it! It's known as an aid to losing weight and also contains vitamins A,K,C, B6 and B2. It's also a source of potassium and calcium, so great for your bones.

- 42g / 1.5oz kale
- 42g / 1.5oz spinach
- 100g /3.5oz cucumber
- 100g / 3.5oz / 1 small apple
- 110g / 2 stalks celery
- several ice cubes (according to desired consistency)

Blend all the ingredients (except ice) in a food processor.

Transfer ingredients to a blender and add ice cubes, a little at a time, and blend until a smooth consistency forms. 

You can do all of the steps above in a food processor or blender (no need to use both and create more washing up) - the key concept is to have a blended drink without lumps of kale or bits of apple to chew on!
Pour into a glass and enjoy!

P.s. Remember to check your mouth after drinking as green bits tend to get stuck in between teeth. It's not an attractive look!

Nutritional Information:

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