Monday, November 18, 2013

Chocolate Pudding

Following on from recent posts about ice cream and chocolate mousse, and continuing the theme of desserts and sweet deliciousness, I want to share a no-egg chocolate pudding recipe and also talk about avocados. The two are inextricably linked!

Here are some avocado facts which make them a great superfood:

  • About 75% of an avocado's energy comes from fat, most of which (65% of total) is monounsaturated fat.
  • The saturated fat content amounts to 13% of the total fat in a 100g serving of avocado while containing zero cholesterol. 
  • Avocados have a high fiber content of 75% insoluble and 25% soluble fiber.
  • Rich in folic acid and vitamin K, and are good dietary sources of vitamin B6,vitamin C, vitamin E and pantothenic acid.
  • Great source of potassium – just like bananas.
If you’re not too keen consuming raw eggs, or if you don’t want to eat processed chocolate, usually found in chocolate mousse and other desserts, below is my no-egg chocolate pudding recipe, made with AVOCADOS!! At this point, you may be thinking ‘eeewwww’ or ‘ugh’! But read on and try the recipe below.

Chocolate Pudding
Makes 4
Click HERE for a printable recipe card.

- 200g avocados
- 180ml / 6floz almond milk, unsweetened
- 40g / 8tbsp cocoa powder, natural unsweetened
- 80g/ 4tbsp honey
- 1tsp vanilla extract
- ¼tsp cinnamon

Slice the avocados and blend them in a food processor with the almond milk.

Add cocoa powder, honey, vanilla extract and cinnamon.

Blend until creamy and spoon into individual cups/bowls. Chill in the fridge.
Click HERE for a printable recipe card.

Nutritional Information:

If you compare the above chocolate pudding nutritional information to the chocolate mousse NI, you'll find this version has 90 less calories, half the fat, zero cholesterol, more fiber and less sugars.

100g serving of avocado
175 calories
16g fat
0mg cholesterol
7mg sodium
9g carbs
7g fiber
0g sugars
2g protein

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