Monday, October 21, 2013

Low Calorie Coleslaw

The coleslaw I make is super low calorie (only 31 calories per serving) and a really tasty, healthy snack which can be eaten between meals or as a side dish with a main meal.
Instead of mixing in loads of mayonnaise, I use non-fat Greek yogurt which is thicker than regular non-fat yogurt and contains less fat, cholesterol and sodium than mayo (even the lighter varieties).

Low Calorie Coleslaw
Makes 10 servings (84g / 3oz servings)

- 385g / 13.8oz raw cabbage
- 115g 4.1oz carrots
- 1 small apple / about 100g / 3.6oz (I use royal gala)
- 1tbsp lemon juice
- 225g / 1cup non-fat Greek plain yogurt (I use oikos)

Shred/finely chop the raw cabbage, grate the carrot, finely slice or grate the apple.
Mix together in a large bowl.
Add the lemon juice and Greek yogurt.
Combine all ingredients together and store in an air-tight container in the fridge.

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