Monday, October 21, 2013

Hello and welcome to my blog: Chocolate Spinach!

Hello and welcome to my blog: Chocolate Spinach!

Chocolate Spinach may be an unusual name for a blog. You may also think it's an unusual food combination. I do!
When trying to create a website URL for my new site, I did want to call it something unoriginal like 'Food for Thought', or 'Food and Fitness'. Surprisingly, these names were taken. So I had to get creative.

If you asked me what foods I eat on a daily basis, chocolate and spinach would be at the top of the list. Oats, eggs, apples and hemp seeds would also be on that list. However, a blog name featuring all these foods would be a bit ridiculous!

I wanted to start this blog to post recipes and photos of food - most of which I've adapted to make as healthy and nutritious as possible.
I also wanted to have a platform where I can talk about food (and drink), nutrition, diet, fitness and general well-being.

Ok, now I'm off to take a photo of chocolate and spinach - for my blog profile! Bye.

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