Saturday, May 10, 2014

Apricot Oat Slice

These apricot oat slices are a combination of moist soft fruit and crunchy dense oats and nuts. The large slices are very filling (350 calories each) and provide a good source of fats (12g)  from the nuts, sesame seeds and flaxseed, as well as carbohydrates (54g) from the oats and fruit.

There are no added sugars in this recipe, no eggs, dairy or flour so it's a good healthy alternative to store bought, traditional snacks.

Apricot Oat Slice
Makes 8 slices
Click HERE for a printable recipe card.

- 120g / 4oz dates, dried and pitted
- 240ml / 8floz warm water
- 56g / 2oz almonds
- 240g / 8.6oz old fashioned oats (also called rolled oats)
- 120g / 4oz flour
- 36g / 4tbsp sesame seeds
- 1tsp ginger powder (optional)
- 56g / 2oz cashews
- 30ml / 2tbsp water
- 26g / 4tbsp flaxseed
- 90ml / 6tbsp water
- 650g / 23.5oz apricots (in natural juice), not dried

First add 240ml warm water to the dates. Let them soak for a few minutes and then blend to form a purée.

Using a food processor, blend the almonds so they are lightly ground.

In a bowl add the old fashioned/rolled oats, flour, sesame seeds and ginger powder to the ground almonds. Stir to combine.
Blend together the cashews with 2tbsp water to form a nutty paste.

Add the cashew paste and date purée to the bowl. Mix together.
In a separate bowl, mix 6tbsp water with the flaxseed.

Add the flax mixture to the large bowl and mix. Use hands to combine if desired.
Press half of the mixture into a 9x6inch baking tray.

Drain the apricots and then lightly blend them to form a purée. 
Spread the apricots on top of the oat base.

Sprinkle the remaining oat mix on top of the apricots and press down lightly. Spray with cooking oil too help prevent burning. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes at 175C / 350F degrees.

Cool and then cut into slices. ENJOY!

Click HERE for a printable recipe card.

Nutritional Information:


  1. I've just made's cooling as I type and it smells soooo good. Couple of things...I wasn't sure if you were to blend the dates with all the water (I didn't in the end, because it looked too much). Also, you don't say where to add the flour, so I didn't use any (the mixture seemed fine without it - may be because I didn't use the all the water)! I substituted flaxseed for linseed - hopefully it'll taste alright, I'll let you know.
