Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Chocolate Almond Spread

Whilst Nutella, the original hazelnut chocolate spread contains no artificial colours or preservatives and has over 50 nuts per 13oz jar. The first ingredient listed (and largest amount) is sugar! A two tablespoon serving has 200 calories, 12g fat and 21g sugar. Full nutritional information is here.

After the success of these quick and easy Cinnamon Quinoa Bars, I didn't want to keep spreading Nutella on them every day! Therefore I thought I'd make my own version. The recipe below uses almonds but hazelnuts can also be used. If the hazelnuts are not already roasted, they can be toasted in the oven and their shells removed easily by rubbing them between your palms.

The chocolate spread has less calories and sugar than Nutella and the same amount of fat, but my recipe gives 45g per serving instead of Nutella's 37g.

Chocolate Almond Spread
Makes 6 (45g) servings
Click HERE for a printable recipe card.

- 140g / 5oz almonds
- 40g / 2tbsp honey
- 6g / 1/2tbsp brown sugar
- 10g / 2tbsp cocoa powder, natural unsweetened
- 60ml / 4tbsp almond milk, unsweetened
- 30ml / 2tbsp water
- 5ml / 1tsp vanilla extract.

Toast the almonds in the oven for about 10 minutes at 190C / 375F.

In a food processor, pulse the nuts into a powder.

Then add all the remaining ingredients and mix until a paste forms.

Feel free to add a bit more milk or water if the mixture is too thick. Keep processing until smooth!

Spoon into an air tight container and store in the fridge.
Spread on toast, tortillas, sliced bananas / apples, or use as a healthy alternative to Nutella. ENJOY!
Click HERE for a printable recipe card.

Nutritional Information:

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