Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Chocolate Pie with Almond Crust

This recipe uses the chocolate pudding recipe from a previous post, plus an almond crust for the pie base. Unlike traditional crusts that usually use crushed digestive biscuits or graham crackers mixed with melted butter, this base uses blended almonds and oat flour, with a little oil and honey to bind the mixture together.

Almond Pie Crust 
Makes 4 pie crusts
Click HERE for a printable recipe card.

- 56g / 2oz almonds
- 37.5ml / 2 1/2tbsp olive oil
- 40g / 2tbsp honey
- 80g / 2.8oz oat flour

In a food processor blend the almonds into find crumbs, the size of sand. 
Add the oil, honey and oat flour.
Process again until the dough comes together. It should stick together when pressed between your fingers. If it doesn't, try blending it for a bit longer. 
Spoon out into four 10cm/4" diameter dishes. Flatten and smooth the surface.

Spoon the chocolate pudding mixture on top of the almond crust.

Chill in the fridge. ENJOY!

Click HERE for a printable recipe card.

Nutritional Information:
Almond Pie Crust
Chocolate Pudding

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