Monday, January 20, 2014

Sweet and Sour Tofu Stir Fry

This is my first recipe published on my blog that features tofu. I love this protein-packed food so I'm sure there will be many more to come.

Tofu is a food made by coagulating soy milk and then pressing the resulting curds into soft white blocks. I prefer the firm/hard variety of tofu but I have eaten the soft/silken kind before, which is undrained and unpressed. Wikipedia has endless amounts of information about tofu.

I was keen to learn more about the nutritional value of tofu. I knew it was low in calories and a great source of protein. A 110g / 4oz serving of tofu gives you 10g protein. That's the same amount of protein in a glass (240ml / 8floz) of dairy milk. An egg has 6g protein whilst a serving of beef (110g / 4oz) contains 26g protein. Obviously vegetarians aren't going to opt for the beef option for their source of protein!

A serving of tofu contains 5g fat, a similar amount to eggs. However, a serving of beef contains 15g fat! Tofu is also a cholesterol-free food whilst eggs usually have approx. 200mg cholesterol.

This dish  is like a rainbow: red tomatoes, orange carrots, yellow pineapple, green peppers/celery etc. Whilst there's quite a bit of sugar (natural, of course) in this dish - from the pineapple chunks - the tofu is low in calories. I prefer to eat this stir fry with blended cauliflower instead of rice or quinoa to keep a moderate carbohydrate intake.

Sweet and Sour Tofu Stir Fry
Makes 5
Click HERE for a printable recipe card.

- 15ml / 1tbsp olive oil
- 185g / 6.5oz onion, chopped
- 120g / 2 stalks celery, chopped
- 190g / 7oz carrot, cut into halfmoons
- 160g / 6oz green pepper, cut into cubes
- 110g / 4oz mushrooms, chopped
- 10g / 2tbsp ginger, chopped
- 300g / 11oz firm tofu, cut into cubes
- 411g / 14.5oz / 1 can diced tomatoes (no added salt)
- 20g / 1tbsp honey
- 560g / 20oz pineapple chunks (in pineapple juice), reserve juice
- 10g / 1tbsp flour
- 15g spring onions (garnish)

In a pan or work, heat the oil and cook the onion, celery, carrot, pepper, mushrooms and ginger for about 5 minutes. Keep veg crunchy.
In another frying pan, sprayed with cooking oil, saute the tofu cubes for 10 minutes, until golden brown.
Add tomatoes, honey and pineapple chunks to the wok and heat until bubbling.
Add golden tofu cubes to the wok.
Mix the pineapple juice with the flour and add to the wok.

Once the sauce has thickened, serve on a bed of cooked brown rice or blended cauliflower.
Garnish with chopped spring onions. ENJOY!

Click HERE for a printable recipe card.

Nutritional Information:

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