Thursday, April 17, 2014

113 ingredients = 60 Recipes

Since starting this Chocolate Spinach blog, I have kept an ingredients list and also an A-Z recipe index to keep track of the dishes I've made and also the foods I've used.

Turns out with 113 ingredients, it's possible to make 60 different recipes! Take a look at previous posts if you don't believe me!

Whilst it's hard to pick a favourite dish (perhaps the chocolate pudding/pie), I have tried to pick a few popular and delicious snacks, main meals and treats and have started to create a list of printable recipe cards.

I fully accept that it can get quite messy in the kitchen and it's not always practical to follow a new recipe from a laptop or iPad. Therefore a simple PDF version of a recipe may help when getting creative in the kitchen.

Below is a list of printable recipe cards which I have started to create. I'll slowly add to the list as I get chance and place links on the Printable Recipe Card page as well as including them in recipe blog posts.

Almond Pie Crust
Almond Cocoa Balls
Banana Oat Pancakes
Black Bean Hummus
Cauliflower and Courgette Bake
Cauliflower Quinoa and Spinach Cakes
Chili Rubbed Chicken
Chocolate Pudding
Indian Spiced Lentil and Vegetable Soup
Okonomiyaki (Japanese Pancake)
Pumpkin, Kale, Ginger, Tofu Curry
Turkey Chili

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