Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Orange Chicken Noodles

After making my very tasty, tangy, chocolaty sweet treats last week - Chocolate Orange Squares - I had a spare orange in the fridge that needed using. Therefore, I decided to use it to make a quick stir fry. The tangy orange zest, when combined with the sweet orange juice and a little agave nectar or honey, gives the chicken and vegetables delicious flavour and taste.

I used loads of nutritious and low calorie vegetables (onion, celery, green peppers, mushrooms, broccoli) as well as courgette which I spiralized. This meant I only used 2 servings of brown rice noodles (4oz) instead of 4 which also resulted in the dish not being just a load of noodles (carbs) with a little bit of veg mixed in. The brown rice noodles are fibrous and very filling - check out my recent Curried Ginger Chicken Noodles dish for another fast and flavourful recipe.

It helps if the chicken breast is already cooked and shredded as it reduces the amount of prep and cooking time significantly. For a lighter lunch, just omit the noodles and add more sprialized courgette.

This dish is packed with vitamin C, not only from the orange but the broccoli and green peppers. I read more about this on the U,S. National Library of Medicine website. As it's a water soluble vitamin, and our bodies can't make vitamin C on its own, we need an ongoing supply in our diet. Vitamin C is needed for growth and repair, as well as the absorption of iron.

Lots of people associate vitamin C, particularly from citrus fruits, as a remedy for preventing colds. However, research doesn't really support this. It might slightly shorten the length of time people feel sick.

The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for adult men is 90mg/day, and for adult women it's 75mg/day. Therefore it's best to eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, paying close attention to the Top 10 Foods with the Highest Amounts of Vitamin C.

This dish contains three of the top 10:
100g broccoli - 89.2mg
100g green peppers - 80.4mg
100g orange - 53.2mg

Orange Chicken Noodles
Makes 4

- 112g / 4oz brown rice noodles
- 1 orange, zest and juiced
- 140g / 5oz onion, chopped
- 140g / 5oz mushroom, chopped
- 140g / 5oz pepper, chopped
- 56g / 2oz celery chopped
- 170g / 60z broccoli, chopped
- 8g / 1tbsp corn starch
- 30ml / 2tbsp water
- 170g / 6oz chicken breast, cooked and shredded
- 20g / 1tbsp agave nectar OR honey
- 280g / 10oz courgette, spiralized, julienne or grated

  • Soak the noodles in boiling water for 5 minutes to soften, then rinse and drain. Set aside.
  • Meanwhile, zest and juice the orange.
  • In a wok, sprayed with cooking spray, cook the online, mushroom, pepper, celery and broccoli for 5 minutes, stirring to spread the heat evenly around the wok and adding a splash of water if the veg begins to stick.
  • Whisk the 2tbsp water into the corn starch and then add it to the wok, along with the shredded chicken, orange zest, juice and agave nectar (or honey).
  • Stir for 2-3 minutes and then add in the courgette noodles.
  • Cook for another couple of minutes and then serve on top of the rice noodles. ENJOY!

Nutritional Information:

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