Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Beetroot Hummus

I'm becoming quite adventurous when it comes to the different variety of beans I can use to blend into hummus. Not to mention the added ingredient of beetroot for this recipe below. It's just like traditional hummus but the beetroot gives an alternative taste, not to mention the crazy colour too - all 100% natural even though it looks worryingly artificial!

I think I will do a summary post of all the different kinds of hummus I've made. First I want to make a white bean (butter bean) dip and then the hummus collection will be complete - at least for the time being!

Beetroot Hummus
Makes 6 (60g serving)

- 56g / 2oz beetroot, drained if canned
- 440g / 15.5oz / 1 can chickpeas, drained (except 1tbsp)
- 1 clove garlic, chopped
- 15ml / 1tbsp bean juice
- 15ml / 1tbsp oil
- 45ml / 3tbsp lemon juice
- pinch cayenne pepper (optional)

Combine all ingredients in a food processor and blend until smooth.

Serve with chopped vegetables or spread on rice cakes or crackers. ENJOY!

Nutritional Information:

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